Free Keyword Density Checker Tool

SEO tool analyzing on-page content to calculate keyword/phrase usage rates, helping optimize page copy for relevant search engine ranking signals.

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The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Density Checker Tools

keyword density

Are you looking to optimize your website’s content for better search engine rankings? One important factor to consider is keyword density – the frequency with which your target keywords appear in your content. While it’s crucial to include relevant keywords, overusing them can be seen as keyword stuffing by search engines and actually hurt your rankings. So how do you strike the right balance? That’s where keyword density checker tools come in handy.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about these essential SEO tools. We’ll cover what keyword density is, why it matters, how to measure it, and most importantly, how to use keyword density checkers to take your content optimization to the next level. By the end, you’ll be equipped with actionable tips and insights to improve your website’s visibility and organic traffic. Let’s get started!

What is Keyword Density?

keyword density checker

Before we explore the tools, let’s make sure we’re clear on the concept of keyword density itself. Simply put, keyword density refers to how often a particular keyword or phrase appears within the content of a webpage, expressed as a percentage.

For example, if a page has 1000 words total and the keyword “fitness tracker” appears 10 times, the density for that keyword would be 1% (10/1000 = 0.01 or 1%).

While there’s no universally agreed upon “perfect” keyword density percentage, most SEO experts recommend aiming for around 1-2% for your primary keyword. Going much higher risks being flagged for keyword stuffing.

However, it’s not just about the main keyword. You also want to include LSI keywords (latent semantic indexing), which are related terms and phrases that help establish the context and relevancy of your content for search engines. A good keyword density tool will analyze these as well.

Why Keyword Density Matters for SEO

keyword density checker tool

Now that we know what keyword density is, you might be wondering why it’s so important to measure and optimize it. There are a few key reasons:

  1. Relevance signals to search engines: By including your target keyword and related terms at a natural frequency, you help Google and other search engines understand what your page is about and when to surface it in relevant searches.

  2. Avoids keyword stuffing penalties: On the flip side, jamming your keyword in unnaturally high doses throughout your content is a big red flag for search engines. Known as keyword stuffing, this black hat SEO tactic can get your site penalized and cause your rankings to tank.

  3. Improves user experience: Believe it or not, keyword density isn’t just about appeasing the algorithm gods. Using keywords smartly and in context also makes for better readability and user experience. If your content sounds spammy and repetitive to human readers, they’re likely to bounce quickly, which also hurts your SEO.

  4. Keeps you on track: Aiming for a certain keyword density range helps you stay focused on utilizing your target keyword and related terms sufficiently as you write the copy. It’s easy to get off track or forget to include the key phrases enough, and density tracking keeps you accountable.

  5. Competitive analysis: Keyword density checker tools can also be used to analyze the top ranking pages for your target keyword. By seeing how often they use the keyword and related terms, you can gauge what density range is working well and adjust your own content accordingly.

So in summary, tracking and optimizing keyword density is key for both establishing relevancy and avoiding over-optimization in the eyes of search engines, as well as creating readable, useful content for actual human visitors.

How to Measure Keyword Density

keyword density checker tool

If keyword density is so important, how do you actually measure it? That’s where keyword density checker tools come into play. These are typically web-based tools where you can input a target keyword and URL, and receive a report showing the density percentages for that keyword and related terms.

While the exact metrics and features vary between tools, a good keyword density checker will show you data points like:

  • Density percentage for exact match keyword: How often the exact keyword phrase appears in the content, expressed as a percentage of total word count.
  • Density for individual keywords: The tool will also break down the density for each individual word within the key phrase. So for “best fitness trackers”, you’d see separate density percentages for “best”, “fitness”, and “trackers”.
  • LSI keyword density: The best tools will also identify and measure the usage of LSI keywords – the related and synonymous terms that strengthen relevancy.
  • Frequency: In addition to the density percentage, you’ll likely see a count of how many times the keyword appears in the content.
  • Prominence: Some tools will note where the keyword first appears in the content, as using it early on (especially in the title or first paragraph) is good for SEO.
  • Formatting: More advanced tools may show bolded or

-tagged instances of the keywords, as these formatting elements can increase relevancy.

keyword density checker tool

So in a nutshell, you’ll copy and paste your webpage URL and target keyword into the density checker tool, and receive a wealth of data on how frequently and in what ways the keywords are used within the on-page content.

Many of these tools are free to use for basic analysis, with more robust features or higher limits on the number of daily searches available for a fee.

Top Keyword Density Checker Tools

Now that we understand what keyword density checkers do and why they’re valuable, let’s look at some of the top tools available.

We’ve tested and ranked these tools based on their ease of use, depth of data and features, and overall utility for content optimization. Here are our top picks:

  1. SEO Review Tools Keyword Density Checker
  2. Provides density percentages for 1, 2, 3, and 4-word phrases
  3. Counts number of occurrences in addition to density
  4. Identifies top 3 and 4-word phrases for easy LSI ideas
  5. Allows up to 25 free searches per day
  6. Upgrade option for unlimited searches and additional features

  7. SEOBook Keyword Density Analyzer

  8. Clean, user-friendly interface
  9. Shows both density and frequency for keywords and phrases
  10. Identifies potential over-optimization of keywords
  11. Finds LSI keyword opportunities
  12. Free to use with no daily search limits

  13. Small SEO Tools Keyword Density Checker

  14. Calculates density for 1, 2, 3, and 4-word phrases
  15. Displays both density percentages and number of occurrences
  16. Highlights top density keywords on actual page preview
  17. Offers both web-based and file upload options for analysis
  18. Provides 2 free searches per day, upgrade for unlimited

  19. Internet Marketing Ninjas Keyword Density Tool

  20. Analyzes top 3 keyword densities on page
  21. Shows number of words, characters, alt tags, table tags, and total keyword count
  22. Identifies and tags and whether they contain keywords


  1. Also provides data on links and Google PageRank
  2. Free and unlimited searches with registration


  4. Simple, one-page interface to quickly check keyword densities
  5. Analyzes densities for 1, 2, and 3-word phrases
  6. Shows both density percentages and raw frequencies
  7. Provides list of most common words and phrases for LSI inspiration
  8. Completely free to use with no limits or registration required

Here’s a quick comparison table of these top 5 tools:

Tool# of Words AnalyzedShows FrequencyLSI SuggestionsFree Daily Searches
SEO Review Tools1, 2, 3, 4YesYes25
SEOBook1, 2, 3, 4YesYesUnlimited
Small SEO Tools1, 2, 3, 4YesNo2
IM Ninjas1, 2, 3YesNoUnlimited*
KeywordDensity.com1, 2, 3YesYesUnlimited

*Requires free registration

Of course, there are many other keyword density tools out there, both free and paid. Some are standalone tools like the ones listed above, while others are built into larger SEO software suites. The ones included here offer a good mix of robust data, ease of use, and generosity on the free search limits, making them great options for content marketers and SEO beginners to check out.

Keyword Density Checker Best Practices & Tips


So you’ve got your handy keyword density tool locked and loaded. Now what? Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using these checkers to optimize your content:

1. Aim for 1-2% density for primary keyword

As mentioned before, most SEOs agree that a keyword density in the 1-2% range is a good sweet spot to aim for. This is enough to signal to search engines what the page is about and make it feel natural to readers, without venturing into keyword stuffing territory. Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, but a good general guideline.

2. Don’t neglect LSI keywords

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords are the synonyms and related terms to your primary keyword. Incorporating these not only helps avoid repetitiveness by using the exact same phrase over and over, but also strengthens the relevancy signals. Use the keyword density tool suggestions or your own knowledge of the topic to work these natural-sounding variations into your content.

3. Check for over-optimization

If your tool shows your target keyword density is way over about 2.5% or it’s appearing unnaturally frequently to you as you read through the content, it’s likely over-optimized. Try to cut back on the usage a bit, focusing on keeping the most impactful placements like the title, headings, and opening and closing paragraphs.

4. Read it out loud

Keyword density tools provide the data, but there’s no replacement for the human gut check. Read your content out loud and notice if the keyword usage sounds stilted, forced, or just plain weird. If so, dial it back. The goal is natural, conversational content that just happens to be well-optimized, not the other way around.

5. Focus on quality over quantity

At the end of the day, the quality of your content matters way more than the precise keyword percentages. Don’t get so caught up in the data that you lose sight of creating genuinely valuable, awesome content that people will want to read and share. Keywords are important, but they’re not the end-all be-all.

Examples of Keyword Density in Action

keyword density checker tool

Let’s look at a couple examples of what good keyword density optimization looks like in practice.

Example 1: Blog Post on “Best Fitness Trackers”

Say you’re writing a lengthy blog post reviewing the best fitness trackers on the market. You’d want to make sure to include the exact phrase “best fitness trackers” as well as variations like:

  • “top fitness trackers”
  • “fitness tracker reviews”
  • “comparing fitness trackers”
  • “fitness wearables”
  • “activity tracking devices”

By working those in naturally throughout the article, you’re covering multiple relevant keywords while keeping the content from feeling repetitive. Here’s what a snippet might look like with SEO-friendly density:

“When researching the best fitness trackers, there are many factors to consider. Our team tested over a dozen of the top fitness trackers on the market to bring you these in-depth fitness tracker reviews. Whether you’re comparing fitness trackers based on price, features, or battery life, this guide has you covered. Read on for our picks for the best activity tracking devices you can buy.”

Example 2: Product Category Page for Blenders

Now imagine you’re optimizing a product category page for blenders on an ecommerce site. The target keyword would be simply “blenders”, and you’d want to include related terms like:

  • “smoothie blenders”
  • “food processor blenders”
  • “high-speed blenders”
  • “countertop blenders”
  • “immersion blenders”

A keyword-optimized intro paragraph for this page could read:

“Browse our selection of powerful blenders for all your food prep needs. From high-powered smoothie blenders to versatile food processor blenders, we’ve got you covered. Our countertop blenders are perfect for whipping up soups, sauces, nut butters, and more. We also carry handy immersion blenders for blending right in the pot. Whatever your blending needs, you’ll find the perfect appliance in our curated collection of the best blenders on the market.”

In both of these examples, the target keyword and LSI terms are included frequently enough to be picked up by search engines, but not so much that it sounds forced or disruptive to the reader. The key is weaving them in organically. Keyword density tools give you the data and guidelines to ensure you’re hitting the important terms at the right frequency.

Using Keyword Density Checkers for Competitor Analysis

keyword density checker tool

Keyword density checkers aren’t just useful for optimizing your own site’s content. You can also leverage them for competitive analysis to inform your own strategy.

By plugging your competitors’ URLs for the keyword you’re targeting into the density checker, you can see what density range they’re aiming for and which related keywords they’re incorporating well.

For example, say you’re trying to rank for “project management software”. You might analyze the keyword densities of the current top 5 ranking pages to get a sense of how they’ve optimized.

You may find they’re all hovering around a 1.5% density for that exact keyword and frequently using terms like:

  • project planning software
  • task management tools
  • team collaboration software
  • project tracking apps

Insights like these can help guide your own optimization by giving you a data-driven starting point and ideas for supporting keywords to include. Of course, you don’t need to copy the competition exactly, but it can be a smart way to gauge what’s working for others and bring your content in line with audience expectations.

Competitive keyword density analysis can also help uncover areas where you can differentiate your content. If all the top pages are focused on a certain angle – like project management software for large enterprises – you might spot an opportunity to target an underserved niche, like tools for freelancers or small teams.

The goal with competitor research is not to copycat, but to understand the lay of the land and make strategic, informed choices about your own keyword targeting and on-page optimization. Density analysis is just one piece of the competitive research puzzle, but an important one.

Frequently Asked Questions About Keyword Density

keyword density checker tool

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this guide to keyword density and the tools to measure it, but you may still have some lingering questions. Here are answers to some of the most common and pressing FAQs about this key on-page SEO factor:

What is the ideal keyword density percentage?

As mentioned above, most experts agree that a keyword density between 1-2% is a good general guideline. However, there is no one perfect percentage. Anything under 1% may be hard for search engines to pick up on, while anything over about 3% risks being seen as spammy.

The most important thing is that the keywords are used naturally and not stuffed in at the expense of readability. Quality content that includes the keyword at a normal frequency will generally end up in that 1-2% sweet spot without needing to overthink the math.

Can I just use the exact match keyword over and over?

keyword density checker tool

While you do want to include your exact target keyword a few times, it’s not good practice to use it excessively. This not only creates a poor user experience, but also can look like a manipulation tactic to search engines.

Instead, aim to use a mix of the exact keyword, close variations, and LSI keywords. For example, if your main keyword was “leather hiking boots”, you’d want to incorporate that as well as things like “durable hiking boots”, “boots for long hikes,” “mountaineering boots”, etc. This makes for more natural, useful content.

Do I need to include my keyword in specific places?

Certain strategic placements of your keyword can enhance its SEO impact. Generally, aim to include the exact keyword (or a very close variant) in:

  • The page title/H1 heading tag
  • The first paragraph of content
  • At least one subheading
  • Scattered naturally throughout the body content
  • The last paragraph or content
  • The meta title and description (bonus points!)

That said, avoid shoehorning the keyword in where it doesn’t make sense for the sake of checking an optimization box. Always prioritize the user experience.

What should I do if my keyword density is too high?

keyword density checker tool

If you plug your content into a keyword density checker and find the percentage is significantly over about 2.5%, you may have over-optimized. Try going through and removing instances of the keyword that feel gratuitous or forced. Look for opportunities to replace the keyword with pronouns (it, they, etc.) or to remove it from a sentence entirely without

keyword density checker tool

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