Free Google SERP Checker Tool

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Boost Your Search Rankings with the Best Free Google SERP Checker Tools

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Are you looking to improve your website’s visibility on Google and other search engines? Tracking your search engine results page (SERP) rankings is crucial for optimizing your SEO strategy and staying ahead of the competition. Fortunately, there are several free Google SERP checker tools available that can help you monitor your keyword positions without breaking the bank.

In this in-depth article, we’ll explore the importance of SERP tracking, introduce you to the best free Google SERP checker tools, and provide tips on how to effectively use these tools to boost your search engine rankings. Whether you’re a small business owner, marketer, or SEO enthusiast, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed in the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization.

What is a Google SERP Checker Tool?

google serp checker

A Google SERP checker tool is a software application that allows you to track your website’s rankings for specific keywords on Google’s search engine results pages. These tools crawl Google’s search results and provide you with data on your current rankings, as well as insights into your competitors’ performance.

SERP checker tools work by simulating a search query for your target keywords and analyzing the results to determine your website’s position. They can track rankings across different geographical locations, devices, and even search engines like Bing and Yahoo.

The benefits of using a Google SERP checker tool are numerous:

  1. Monitor your SEO progress: By regularly tracking your rankings, you can gauge the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve your strategy.

  2. Identify opportunities: SERP checker tools can help you discover untapped keywords and identify areas where you can outrank your competitors.

  3. Save time and effort: Manual SERP checking can be time-consuming and tedious. Automated tools streamline the process and allow you to focus on other aspects of your SEO campaign.

Why Use a Free Google SERP Checker Tool?

While there are many paid SERP checker tools on the market, opting for a free tool can be a smart choice, especially for small businesses and startups with limited budgets. Free tools offer several advantages:

  1. Cost-effective: Free SERP checker tools allow you to access essential features without a financial commitment, making them ideal for those just starting out with SEO or working with a tight budget.

  2. Test before investing: Free tools give you the opportunity to test the features and interface before deciding to invest in a paid version. This way, you can ensure that the tool meets your needs and preferences before committing to a subscription.

  3. Sufficient for basic tracking: For many websites, free SERP checker tools provide enough data and insights to inform their SEO strategies. Unless you have a large website with hundreds of keywords to track, a free tool can often suffice.

Top Free Google SERP Checker Tools

google serp checker tool

Now that we’ve established the benefits of using free Google SERP checker tools, let’s dive into some of the best options available:

1. Google Search Console


Google Search Console is a free web service provided by Google that helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your website’s presence in Google search results. While not exclusively a SERP checker tool, it offers valuable insights into your search engine performance.

Features and Benefits:

  • Monitor your website’s impressions, clicks, and average position for various queries
  • Identify and fix indexing issues, broken links, and other technical SEO problems
  • Submit sitemaps and individual URLs for crawling
  • Receive email alerts when Google detects issues with your website

How to Set Up and Use Google Search Console:

  1. Verify ownership of your website by adding a meta tag, uploading an HTML file, or using your domain provider
  2. Submit your sitemap to ensure Google can crawl all important pages
  3. Navigate to the “Performance” report to view your website’s search performance data
  4. Use filters to analyze specific pages, queries, countries, or devices
  5. Regularly check the “Coverage” and “Enhancements” reports to identify and resolve any issues


  • Data is limited to Google search results and may not reflect performance on other search engines
  • Keyword data is grouped into “queries,” which can make it difficult to track specific keywords
  • Historical data is limited to 16 months

2. Ubersuggest

google serp checker tool

Ubersuggest is a popular free SEO tool that offers keyword research, competitor analysis, and SERP tracking capabilities. Developed by renowned digital marketer Neil Patel, Ubersuggest provides a user-friendly interface and valuable insights for marketers and business owners.

Features and Benefits:

  • Track your website’s rankings for up to 25 keywords
  • Analyze your competitors’ top-performing keywords and content
  • Generate new keyword ideas and view search volume, CPC, and competition data
  • Conduct backlink analysis and identify link-building opportunities

How to Use Ubersuggest for SERP Checking:

  1. Enter your domain name and target keywords into the “Traffic Analyzer” tool
  2. Navigate to the “Keywords” tab to view your current rankings for each keyword
  3. Use the “Filters” option to view rankings for specific countries or devices
  4. Monitor your rankings over time and compare them to your competitors’ performance

Pros and Cons:

  • Pro: User-friendly interface and easy-to-understand data visualizations
  • Pro: Provides a comprehensive overview of your website’s SEO performance
  • Con: Limited to 25 keywords for SERP tracking on the free plan
  • Con: Data updates may not be as frequent as paid tools

3. SERPWatcher by Mangools

free google serp checker tool

SERPWatcher is a SERP tracking tool developed by Mangools, a suite of SEO tools designed for bloggers, agencies, and online marketers. While Mangools offers a paid subscription, their free plan includes access to SERPWatcher with limited features.

Features and Benefits:

  • Track up to 100 keywords on the free plan
  • Monitor rankings across multiple devices and locations
  • Visualize your ranking progress with interactive graphs and charts
  • Receive email alerts when significant ranking changes occur

How to Use SERPWatcher for SERP Tracking:

  1. Create a free Mangools account and navigate to the SERPWatcher tool
  2. Add your website and target keywords to begin tracking
  3. Select your preferred device and location settings
  4. View your current rankings and historical data on the dashboard
  5. Analyze your competitors’ rankings and identify opportunities for improvement

Advantages of SERPWatcher:

  • Higher keyword limit on the free plan compared to other tools
  • Intuitive and visually appealing interface
  • Integration with other Mangools tools for a comprehensive SEO analysis

4. Rank Tracker by SEO PowerSuite

free google serp checker tool

SEO PowerSuite is a desktop-based SEO software that offers a collection of tools, including Rank Tracker for SERP monitoring. While SEO PowerSuite has paid versions, the free version of Rank Tracker provides essential features for tracking your search engine rankings.

Features and Benefits:

  • Track an unlimited number of keywords on the free version
  • Monitor rankings across multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo
  • Analyze your competitors’ rankings and compare them to your own
  • Generate reports and visualizations to present your SERP data

How to Use Rank Tracker for SERP Monitoring:

  1. Download and install the SEO PowerSuite software on your computer
  2. Launch the Rank Tracker tool and create a new project for your website
  3. Add your target keywords and select your preferred search engines and locations
  4. Run a ranking check to view your current positions
  5. Schedule automatic ranking updates and generate reports as needed

Comparison with Other Free SERP Checker Tools:

How to Choose the Best Free Google SERP Checker Tool

free google serp checker tool

With several free Google SERP checker tools available, it’s essential to choose the one that best suits your needs and goals. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  1. Identify your specific requirements: Determine the number of keywords you need to track, the frequency of updates, and the level of detail you require in your SERP data.

  2. Consider the features offered: Look for tools that provide the features most valuable to you, such as competitor analysis, location-specific tracking, or integration with other SEO tools.

  3. Evaluate the user interface: Choose a tool with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows you to easily navigate and interpret your SERP data.

  4. Read user reviews: Research user reviews and testimonials to gauge the experiences of other marketers and business owners with the tool you’re considering.

Best Practices for Using a Free Google SERP Checker Tool

free google serp checker tool

To get the most out of your free Google SERP checker tool, follow these best practices:

  1. Set up a consistent tracking schedule: Regularly monitor your rankings to identify trends and fluctuations. Weekly or bi-weekly checks are often sufficient for most websites.

  2. Monitor your target keywords and their variations: Track not only your primary keywords but also their variations and long-tail phrases to gain a comprehensive understanding of your search engine performance.

  3. Analyze the data and identify areas for improvement: Use the insights provided by your SERP checker tool to inform your content strategy, on-page optimization, and link-building efforts.

  4. Integrate SERP data with other SEO metrics: Combine your SERP data with other SEO metrics, such as organic traffic, click-through rates, and bounce rates, to gain a holistic view of your website’s performance.

Case Studies

To illustrate the effectiveness of using free Google SERP checker tools, let’s look at two success stories:

Case Study 1: Small Business Boosts Local Rankings


free google serp checker tool

A local bakery in a competitive market struggled to attract online customers due to low search engine visibility. By using a combination of Google Search Console and Ubersuggest, the bakery owner was able to:

  • Identify high-potential keywords related to their products and location
  • Optimize their website’s content and meta tags for these target keywords
  • Monitor their rankings and adjust their strategy based on the data

Within three months, the bakery’s website appeared on the first page of Google search results for several local keywords, leading to a 50% increase in online orders and a 25% boost in overall revenue.

Case Study 2: E-commerce Store Outranks Competitors

An e-commerce store selling organic skincare products faced intense competition from established brands. To improve their search engine rankings, the store’s marketing team used SERPWatcher by Mangools to:

By consistently monitoring and adapting their SEO strategy based on SERP data, the e-commerce store was able to outrank several competitors for high-value keywords, resulting in a 75% increase in organic traffic and a 60% growth in online sales over six months.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I check my Google SERP rankings? It’s recommended to check your rankings at least once a week to monitor progress and identify any significant changes. However, the optimal frequency may vary depending on your industry, competition, and the stage of your SEO campaign.

  2. Can I track my competitors’ SERP rankings with these tools? Yes, most SERP checker tools allow you to track your competitors’ rankings alongside your own. This feature enables you to benchmark your performance and identify opportunities to outrank your competitors.

  3. Are free Google SERP checker tools as accurate as paid tools? Free tools often provide accurate data, but they may have limitations in terms of update frequency, keyword volume, and advanced features. Paid tools generally offer more comprehensive and timely data, but free tools are sufficient for most small to medium-sized websites.

  4. Can I use multiple SERP checker tools simultaneously? Yes, you can use multiple tools to gain a more comprehensive view of your search engine performance. Each tool may have slightly different data sources and algorithms, so using a combination of tools can provide a more accurate picture.

free google serp checker tool

  1. How do I interpret the data provided by a SERP checker tool? Most SERP checker tools provide straightforward metrics such as your current ranking position, changes in position over time, and competitor rankings. Focus on trends rather than obsessing over daily fluctuations, and use the data to inform your overall SEO strategy.


Tracking your Google SERP rankings is a crucial aspect of any successful SEO strategy. By using free Google SERP checker tools like Google Search Console, Ubersuggest, SERPWatcher, and Rank Tracker, you can gain valuable insights into your search engine performance without investing in expensive software.

Remember to choose a tool that aligns with your specific needs and goals, and consistently monitor your rankings while integrating SERP data with other SEO metrics. By experimenting with different tools and applying best practices, you can optimize your website’s content, outrank competitors, and ultimately drive more organic traffic and revenue.

Key Takeaways

  1. Free Google SERP checker tools provide valuable data for monitoring and improving your search engine rankings.
  2. Choose a tool that offers the features and interface best suited to your needs and goals.
  3. Regularly track your rankings and use the data to inform your SEO strategy and content optimization efforts.
  4. Combine SERP data with other SEO metrics for a comprehensive view of your website’s performance.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with your SEO efforts, feel free to reach out to the team at RM Digital. Our experienced professionals are here to help you navigate the complexities of search engine optimization and achieve your online marketing goals.

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Other Free Tools

SEO Analyzer Tool

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Bing SERP Checker

Tool that analyzes search engine results page data and positioning on Bing to evaluate website visibility within this search engine's organic listings. Supports SEO optimization efforts specific to Bing.

Google SERP Checker

Tool checking website's presence and current positions in Google's search engine results pages to inform SEO efforts targeting higher rankings.

Website Speed Test

Diagnostic check measuring website performance metrics including page load speeds to gauge technical SEO impact on user experience and search engine crawling.

Competitor Spy

Process of researching rival websites' strategies and optimization approaches to identify SEO benchmarking data and content gaps to exploit for improved performance.

Keyword Density Checker

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Keyword Word Research

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Internal Link Analyzer

Tool auditing internal connections between a website's pages/content to identify areas for improved contextual link-building appropriate for organic SEO rankings.

FAQ Generator Tool

Software that automatically creates frequently asked questions (FAQ) content for websites, helping answer user search queries with relevant pages targeting informational keywords.

AI Content Detection Tool

Tool utilizing AI to flag content likely spun or generated by artificial means, guarding against risks of manual or algorithmic detection leading to search engine penalties.

Outline Generator Tool

Create compelling content outlines in seconds. Structure your ideas and optimize your content workflow.

Blog Title Generator

Craft clickworthy headlines that convert. Our AI generates attention-grabbing titles to boost engagement.

AI Keyword Generator Tool

Discover high-value keywords in seconds. Our smart tool identifies search trends and suggests optimized keywords.

Word Counter Tool

Tool tallying numbers of words, characters or other text metrics, supporting SEO writing aimed at optimizing content length for readability and keyword inclusion as search ranking factors.

H1-H6 Header Tag Checker

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Content Readability Tool

Check the readability level and complexity of your content with our advanced tool.

Blog/Article Conclusion

Our AI conclusion generator will synthesize key points into impactful closing paragraphs for your BLOG

Blog Intro

Hook readers instantly with automatically generated opening paragraphs for your blog posts.

Bullet Point to Blog Section

Transform basic bullet points into complete, readable paragraphs with our AI content generation tool. ​

Markdown to HTML

Markdown to HTML Tool

Product Description Tool

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Landing Page Generator

Design high-converting landing pages in minutes with our intelligent generator tool.

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